Contributing videos

Modified on: Tue, 19 Mar, 2024 at 2:50 PM

Contribute a new resource to the Learning Hub

1. Select the My Contributions link from the navigation menu (A)

2. Select the Contribute a resource (B) tile from any of the tabs to add a resource

Alternatively, to see all your previously contributed resources, select My Contributions (A) at the top of the screen. You will also find an option to contribute new resources from there.


Contribute a resource - getting started

Enter an appropriate and meaningful Title (A) for your resource. Consider that this title might be what users will search for.

Select the Type of resource you wish to contribute from the drop-down menu (B). Use the inline support (C) if you are unsure which type to select.

To contribute a video, select File upload.

Having selected File upload you will notice the maximum file size you can upload to the Learning Hub is 2GB.

Select Choose file (D) and locate the resource you wish to upload from your device. Please ensure there are no special characters in the filename (&, #, $, % etc.) of the resource.

Once the resource is selected, a progress bar will show when your resource has been uploaded.

NB. The yellow triangle indicates a mandatory field and will disappear once the field has been completed correctly. 

Contribute a resource - upload 


Confirmation of your resource upload will be followed by the options displayed opposite, showing the Uploaded file (A) (please check this is the correct file). If not, select Change to choose again.

Although optional, it is strongly advised that a Transcript (B) and Closed captions (C) are also uploaded to accompany your video resource.

Both Transcripts and Closed captions will help your resource be more accessible to all.

Complete the Additional information (D) field if you feel there is information about the resource that is needed for users to be able to use it.


Contribute a resource - description 

 It is important to write an accurate and detailed Description for your resource.

Users will make an informed decision on viewing the resource based on the Description.

Use the text box (A), with basic formatting functions (B), to describe your resource with as much detail as you feel necessary.

If the content might be considered sensitive to those viewing it, select the check box (C) to warn users of this before they open it.


Contribute a resource - keywords and licencing 

Enter as many Keywords (A) as you feel necessary to help users find your resource on the Learning Hub. These Keywords should represent what users might use to search for your resource.

Once you have entered a Keyword, use the +Add (B) button to add the Keyword to your resource. Keywords will be listed beneath, every time the +Add button is used (C).

The red cross next to each Keyword can be used to remove it from the resource.

Use the drop down (D) to see which licences are available (E).

Selecting the correct Licence is very important. If you are not sure which licence to choose for the resource, use the More information on licences link (F). Please note, this link will navigate you away from the Learning Hub.

If you are still not sure, after reading the information available, check with colleagues which licence is appropriate.


Contribute a resource - authors 

   Add the Authors that should be attributed to this resource.

If, as the contributor, you are also the author or co-author, select the check box to attribute yourself to the Authors (A).

For each Author, complete the Author name (mandatory) and their Organisation (mandatory). If possible, also add the author’s Role (optional) (B).

Use the +Add button (C) to add the Author, after you have entered their details into the relevant fields.

Each Author that is added to the resource will be displayed at the bottom of this section (D). Check the details are correct. If not, use the Delete option and add them again.

Repeat this process for each Author you wish to add. You can add a maximum of three authors.


Contribute a resource - publish 


Once all previous steps have been completed, there are 3 options available at the bottom of the screen.

If any mandatory steps have been missed, or completed incorrectly, the yellow warning triangle will be present (A). Check the contribution form, looking for yellow warning triangles, to locate which fields require attention. You can only publish a resource when there are no yellow warning triangles present.

Publish this draft (B) – Selecting this button will publish your resource to the Learning Hub.

Save this draft for later (C) – Selecting this button will save the resource as a draft so that you can return later and complete your contribution. The resource will not be published, and it will not be visible to anyone on the Learning Hub.

Discard this draft (D) – Selecting this button will delete the draft and it will be removed from the Learning Hub.

Contribute a resource - My contributions 


The My contributions menu, at the top of each page, is where you can manage resources you have contributed. Resources are placed into one of four sections (A). The number in brackets indicates how many resources are inside each section. Select a section to view the resources in it.

Draft – Shows all resources that are not published. If you select Save this draft for later on the contribution form, the resource will be stored here (B). To Edit, and then publish the resource, use the Edit button (C).

Published – Shows all resources that have been published to the Learning Hub (D).

Unpublished – Shows resources that have been unpublished by either the contributor, or an administrator.

Action Required – Shows resources that have been reported by other users (for example, factually incorrect information).

Larger resources (for example, videos) will show Publishing… (D) until the resource has been published to the Learning Hub, at which point this will change to Published.


Contribute a resource - sharing the resource

There are several options available for sharing the contributed resource to other users, once the resource has been uploaded to the Learning Hub.

Locate the resource you wish to share (by either searching for it, or locating it in your My contributions > Published area), and ensure you are viewing the resource’s published page. Within this page there are now several share options towards the bottom of the page (see image).

Select the Facebook button (A) to open a Facebook window that enables you to create a new post and share this resource on your feed.

Select the Twitter button (B) to open a Twitter window that enables you to create a new post and share this resource on your feed.

Select the LinkedIn button (C) to open a LinkedIn window that enables you to create a new post and share this resource on your feed.

Select the Copy URL button (D) to open an address bar (E) where you can select the URL (which automatically copies it) and send it to other users (by email, for example).

NB. It is important to note that a Learning Hub account will be required to view shared resources.


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