Can I report on my learning activity?

Modified on: Tue, 19 Mar, 2024 at 2:45 PM

My learning shows a visual record of a user’s learning activity on the Learning Hub, showing the resources you have started and completed. Within My learning you can search and view your activity, filter by time period, completion status and resource type. My learning also includes a visual indicator; showing your progress through audio and video resources with the option to directly play or replay segments not yet listened to or watched.

Any available certificates can be viewed from My learning. These open in a separate tab and can then be downloaded and saved or printed as required.

You can also generate a report of your activity. Reports can be printed and saved so they can be shared with educators, managers or education teams.

My learning can be accessed from the menu at the top of the page once signed into the Learning Hub. You can sign in to the Learning Hub either using an elearning for healthcare username and password or existing NHS OpenAthens user account details or by creating an account on the Learning Hub and using those details. 

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