Contributing a SCORM resource and sharing a link to enable access via the Electronic Staff Record

Modified on: Tue, 19 Mar, 2024 at 2:56 PM

This support article offers guidance on contributing SCORM 1.2 packages to the Learning Hub and the options available to contributors for sharing access to SCORM 1.2 packages via the Electronic Staff Record (ESR). 

By enabling the ESR learning object link feature, contributors are widening the reach of SCORM 1.2 content to users accessing via ESR. 


A concise and relevant Title enables users to quickly understand what it is they are looking at when a resource is returned in search results. Consider the words and terms users will search with when titling the SCORM package. 

File upload 

Under Type, select elearning package (SCORM 1.2) from the drop-down menu.  

Within File upload, select ‘choose file’ to locate the SCORM 1.2 package you wish to upload. There are options available here for sharing a link to the SCORM 1.2 package. Which users can access this link will be determined by the option selected. 

Select ‘More information on ESR learning object links’ to display additional guidance on sharing.  

  • Don’t display – Select this option if you do not wish to allow an ESR learning object link to be generated for the contributed SCORM 1.2 package 

  • Display only to me and other catalogue editors – Select this option if you wish to limit the sharing of the ESR learning object link to the SCORM 1.2 package. A link will be visible to yourself and users who are catalogue editors only 

  • Display to everyone  Select this option if you wish to allow the ESR learning object link to the SCORM 1.2 package to be shared to all Learning Hub users. A link will be visible to all users 


It is important to write an accurate and detailed Description for your SCORM resource. Users will make an informed decision on viewing the resource based on theDescription. Use the text box, with basic formatting functions, to describe your resource with as much detail as you feel necessary. 

Sensitive content 

If the content might be considered sensitive to those viewing it, select the check box to warn users of this before they open it. 


Enter as many Keywords as necessary to help users find your resource on the Learning Hub. These keywords should represent what users might use to search for your resource. 

Once you have entered a keyword, use the +Add button to add the keyword to your resource. Keywords will be listed underneath each time the +Add button is used. 

The red cross next to each keyword can be used to remove it from the resource. 


Selecting the correct Licence for the SCORM package is important. It is important that you have permission to share it. 

The Learning Hub offers four licences, each one placing a different set of restrictions on the SCORM package. Select ‘More information on licences’ to visit the Learning Hub support site which has links to the Creative Commons website.  

The Learning Hub support team cannot advise or help you to select a licence type, so consider this carefully before you publish the SCORM package. 


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Add the Authors who should be attributed to this resource. If, as the contributor, you are also the author or co-author, select the check box to attribute yourself to the Authors. 

For each author, complete the Author name (mandatory) and their Organisation (mandatory). If possible, also add the author’s role (optional). Use the +Add button to add the author, after you have entered their details into the relevant fields. 

Each author that is added to the resource will be displayed at the bottom of this section. Check the details are correct. If not, use the Delete option and add them again. 

Repeat this process for each author you wish to add. You can add a maximum of three authors. 


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At the end of the form there are options available for Catalogue selection. This is only visible to catalogue editors. 

If uncertain as to how catalogues work, select ‘More information on catalogues’ to display the support text. 

Select the drop-down menu to see a list of catalogues available for selection and decide where the resource is to be located. Independent resources (added by users) are added to theCommunity contributions catalogue by default where they are available for all users to view. 


Once the above has been completed, choose to either Publish, Save for later, or Discard your draft.  

The above details of the SCORM package can be entered at any time before you choose to publish it. To pause part way through, select the Save for later button. This stores the SCORM package as a draft, in the My contributions area, ready to be completed and published at a time that suits you.  Selecting Publish will immediately add this resource to the chosen catalogue. 

If you need further assistance, please visit the Learning Hub support page. 

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